Happy New Year Everyone!
To ring in the new year we thought it would be fun to share four things you can work on in your cycling that will likely make 2022 your best cycling (and maybe even personal) year ever.
I. Use mindset strategies in your cycling that will benefit your life.
Yes, actually using your mind to perform better in the sport of cycling will condition you to overcome and mange life’s challenges better.
II. Spend more of your training time focused on developing and refining your lactate flooding and clearing system.
The key to cycling fitness performance is how you manage key amounts of lactate. Become familiar with the zones that you can rely on to clear lactate while still producing a lot of power. At the same time, also become familiar with the high lactate zones and how much time you can spend in them before you must return to the high power clearing zones.
III. Get off the cadence hamster wheel.
This year, commit to mastering the art of cycling cadence, and learning which cadences to use when. No more spinning on the cadence hamster wheel wasting energy and going nowhere.
IV. Change your nutritional perspective to adding nutrition to improve your performance rather than restricting it.
Stop trying to get leaner and faster by eating LESS. Focus on getting the right fuel at the right time and you will find yourself performing better AND getting leaner at the same time.
Crush 2022!