How To Improve Your Standing Technique - The Upper Body

How To Improve Your Standing Technique - The Upper Body

Learning optimal standing technique is difficult.  In fact, it is rare for someone to teach it.  For some reason in the cycling industry, there is this fallacy that you should only use techniques that are efficient for you.  We see this with cadence, and more so with standing.  This is not true.

The reality is that standing technique is a huge part of cycling.  Whether you are a smaller Climber or a larger Classics rider, standing needs to be part of your riding.

The reason why is when done correctly, standing gives you more force into the pedals with less effort, thus, increasing the power output into your bike while using your legs less.

Another important reason why standing is important is because it allows you to shift your weight around to increase your speed on your bike.  Remember as kids trying to see how far you could coast without pedaling?  That’s right, you ended up slithering your bike all around to keep it going!  Well, when you are pedaling at the same time, you get a much better “slither” standing.

In this post, I break down standing technique for you in the first of four sections:

I. The Upper Body

Watch, learn, and then try to apply these simple (CINCH) but extremely game changing techniques into your cycling.  You can work on them inside on the trainer or outside on the road.  Basically whenever you ride, and wherever, try to incorporate them into your riding as consistent practice is what will be needed to become efficient and effective with them.

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