Improve Your Race Performance With This Pre-Event Checklist

Improve Your Race Performance With This Pre-Event Checklist

Race Preparation Strategy

Race and event performance is as much about pre-event preparation as it is anything.  In fact, we believe the number one reason athlete’s post results that do not align with their training is because of lack of pre-event preparation.  

Getting organized for your event really starts the day before.  We worked with coach Scott Shaw (who is VERY organized) to come up with a pre race checklist.  

Day Before Race: 

Pre race workout with CINCH openers

Post ride nutrition (carbo load) 

Double check bike

20 mins in Normatecs

Visualize race day (Black Line Clarity) BLC

Get together race clothing and nutrition

Race dinner

Early to bed (visualize BLC)

Race Day:

Wake up, check weather/wind, visualize race

Eat breakfast (pre race meal) 2-3 hours before start

Core activation

Put bag, bike, bottles, protein, lunch, clothes, license, etc in car

Arrive at race 1.5 to 2 hours before start time

Register and Pin number

CINCH warmup - Eat and Drink

Final Prep: shed clothes, check food/drink

Final BLC visualization

Race start

Post Race:

Recovery meal (30 mins to 2 hours after)

Write down the highs and lows while fresh in head

Turn the page on the race (no matter if it was good or bad)

Begin forward thinking on what is next both in training and life

Give this race organization schedule a try and see how it works for you. While it may seem simple, just having some structure around your race will do wonders (just like it does in your training).

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