The Big Secret To Cycling Progression

The Big Secret To Cycling Progression



The truth is that your consistency is king.

Have you ever wondered how some cyclists endlessly are progressing, while others seem to work just as hard but achieve very little?


The answer lies in the consistency of their process.


There just is no substitute for putting in the work every single day. I’m sorry but there's no gene that other people are born with that gives them an easier time being consistent. In fact, there is no amount of talent that will trump a consistent commitment to the process.


Many people incorrectly think that it is the magical rides, you know the ones that create a buzz on Strava, that are filled with KOM trophies, and are riddled with massive kilojoules, that are the difference makers. 

But instead, it is the consistent daily grind, whatever size that it may be, that actually counts. 

I know it’s hard to be consistent, I get it. Let me give you a few tips to help.


To improve your consistency develop a process that you can realistically perform every single day.  A process that is in line with your external commitments that will keep you on the path to on your targets.


To stay consistent with your process you must become personally accountable for your actions, commitments, and decisions.  Own them.  You and only you are responsible for what you do and what you don't do. 

To squash, the normal self-doubt that creeps in your mind during the difficult moments, try and make a conscious connection between your task at hand and the long-game of the mission you are on. 

Finally, be 100% confident that you are taking the right steps and commit to your process!


Now let’s all go and do this!!! Crush it guys!

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