October 11, 2019 3 Tips To Boost Your Confidence Feel like your struggling on the bike? Feel like your daily life has extreme highs and lows. What’s different day-to-day? Why do I feel like that? What’s wrong with...
October 2, 2019 How To Overcome Performance Anxiety Does anxiety to perform ever hold you back from achieving what you know you are capable of? You are not alone as many athletes are crippled with fear...
September 25, 2019 The Conversation You Need To Have With Yourself Have you ever made a decision in the heat of the moment that you wished afterwards you didn’t? Maybe you got excited you were in the break and drove it...
September 22, 2019 Convert Failure To Success In the process, there is no pass/fail. There is only progress. As a coach at CINCH, my job is to create a path for people to grow, and then I...
September 19, 2019 The Big Secret To Cycling Progression The truth is that your consistency is king. Have you ever wondered how some cyclists endlessly are progressing, while others seem to work just as hard but achieve...
September 12, 2019 Does Focusing on Averages Make You an Average Rider? Still focusing on those power and speed averages? Read this article to change your perspective on what you should be focusing to become a better rider.
September 11, 2019 How To STOP GIVING UP on Yourself “There’s nothing good back there.” This is a powerful saying I coach with at CINCH. While this phrase originally came from the sport of cycling, it can also have a...